Издател: St. Kliment Ohridski University
The results of the separate surveys were brought to the knowledge of the research community and the institutions in charge of making the state policy regarding entrepreneurship. They were also made known to the general public and the entrepreneurs themselves by way of a number of publications. The forum "European Day of the Entrepreneur" (2003, 2004) and other international projects created conditions these results to be internationally disseminated. It is also important that data from the three surveys (1991, 1997 and 2004) are being used in teaching entrepreneurship. The public assessment of the results generated by the project "Private Business in Bulgaria" gives grounds for the contention that the efforts for its sustainability and development are reasonable and should go on.
Part One
1. The entrepreneur's passport / 13
1.1. Age structure / 13
1.2. Gender and sex / 14
1.3. Level of education / 19
1.4. Social and professional background / 24
1.5. Marital status / 32
2. Social roles and identification models / 34
3. Wealth / 43
3.1. One can accumulate wealth without depriving the others versus people accumulate wealth only at the expense of others / 48
3.2. Accumulation of wealth and success / 53
3.3. Accumulation of wealth and the level of education / 56
3.4. Accumulation of wealth and the readiness for business / 58
3.5. Accumulation of wealth and entrepreneurial qualities / 65
3.6. Accumulation of wealth and boldness/determination / 68
3.7. Accumulation of wealth and the locus of control / 69
3.8. Accumulation of wealth and the size of business / 72
3.9. Accumulation of wealth and work / 76
3.10. Accumulation of wealth and work (elements of the work environment) / 80
3.11. Accumulation of wealth and social justiee / 86
3.12. Accumulation of wealth and assessing the conditions for business / 89
3.13. Accumulation of wealth and attitude towards the state / 94 Bibliography / 98
Part Two
(unidimensional distributions of the empirical sociological surveys "Private ' business in Bulgaria - 1991, 1997 and 2004"
The Entrepreneur / 107
1. Passport / 107
2. Social roles / 110
3. Wealth and social justice / 111
4. The State and business / 113
5. Motives for starting private business /114
6. General business profile / 117
7. Readiness for business / 119
8. Work ethic / 122
9. Innovative behaviour / 127
10. Business models / 131
11. Economic circumstances / 135 Company / 136
12. Company passport / 136
13. General conditions for private business / 139
14. Specific conditions for the functioning of the private company / 142
15. The private company - staff / 148
16. Business relations / 151
17. Foreign investments / 153
18. Satisfaction with ones'business / 154
19. Plans for the future / 155
Annex 1. Questionnaire for collecting initial empirical
information (Empirical sociological surveys "Private business in Bulgaria - 1997 and 2004" / 159
Annex 2. Sample structure (Empirical sociological surveys
"The private business in Bulgaria - 1997 and 2004") / 173
Annex 3. List of the tables from part Two / 176
Annex 4. Index / 181
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